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merriam webster

1 Translation result for hypothesis in Spanish


hypothesis noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
hypothesis noun

  • Other chemists rejected his hypothesis.
  • Their hypothesis is that watching excessive amounts of television reduces a person's ability to concentrate.
  • The results of the experiment did not support his hypothesis.

Synonyms of
hypothesis noun

Detailed synonyms for hypothesis noun

Hypothesis, theory, law significan una formulación de un principio general o abstracto que se deriva a partir de datos observados y que explica dichos datos.
  • Hypothesis indica una insuficiencia de evidencia como para proveer más que una explicación provisional <a new hypothesis about the extinction of the dinosaurs>.
  • Theory indica una gama más amplia de evidencia y mayores probabilidades de verdad que hypothesis <the theory of evolution>.
  • Law pone énfasis en la certeza y la verdad, e indica una afirmación del orden y las relaciones que se ha mostrado ser invariable bajo condiciones determinadas <the laws of gravity>.

Reverse translation for hypothesis

hipótesis  - hypothesis